Our Services

Our licensed Speech-Language Pathologists and Speech Pathology Aides offer individual speech and language services that address a wide range of developmental and neurological disorders.

Services include diagnosis, treatment and, when appropriate or as therapeutic support,  consultation for home implementation of intervention techniques.

We offer early intervention services for at-risk children and/or those with special needs as well as innovative summer and after-school programs for children with Auditory Processing Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, ADD/ADHD, and other pervasive developmental disorders.

Speech Therapy services

Speech therapy may encompass more than you realize. There are five primary areas in which our services may be of assistance.

Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia)

Some signs of dysphagia may include a wet or gurgly voice, food left in the mouth 10 minutes after a meal is finished, or frequent coughing or choking.  A Speech Therapist can recommend diet changes for foods that have a consistency more easily swallowed and/or “compensatory strategies” to aid in proper swallowing. Specific exercises can also be taught to improve swallowing.

Receptive Language

Receptive Language is that part of communication which allows us to understand what we’re hearing and/or reading.  Signs that problems exist in the area of receptive language include the inabilities to follow simple commands, respond to directions, or accurately answer yes/no questions.

Expressive Language
Expressive language involves when I want to communicate something to someone else.  This may be in the form of speaking or writing.  Speech Therapy has various techniques and procedures that can assist when someone cannot “get their words out.”

Cognition and Specialized Learning Programs
“Cognition” involves orientation and memory.  If a person is having difficulty orienting themselves to place, time, or situation, Speech Therapy may be able to help.  Assistance can also be offered for short-term or long-term memory problems, organization & planning difficulties, or problems with reasoning & problem solving.

Speech Intelligibility (Articulation, Dysarthria, Apraxia)
Speech Intelligibility is when someone has difficulty either through weakness in the muscles or through a brain-to-mouth “programming” problem that does not allow clear speech.  Signs may include slurred speech, speech that is at an inappropriate speed or volume.  Other problems may include a hoarse or strained tone of voice or a decreased range of motion with the lips, mouth, or tongue.


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