Simply put, Audiblox is a system of cognitive exercises, aimed at the development of foundational learning skills. A foundational skill is not the same as a process, strategy or technique. The difference between these can be explained by using the game of basketball as example. In order to be a basketball player, a person first has to master the foundational skills, e.g. passing, dribbling, defense, and shooting. Only after that can
he be taught strategies or techniques. Audiblox develops and automates the foundational skills of reading, spelling, writing, mathematics and the
skills required in the learning of subject matter. A list of the most important foundational skills addressed by Audiblox includes:
Accurate perception
Visual discrimination of color, foregroundbackground, form, size, and position in space
Visual analysis and synthesis of position in space
Auditory discrimination of foreground-background, and position in time and space
Auditory analysis and synthesis of position in time and space
Decoding and integration of information
Visual closure
Visual memory
Auditory memory
Sequential memory
Short-term memory
Long-term memory
Working memory
Concept of numbers
Logical thinking
Fine motor coordination
Gross motor coordination
Sensory-motor integration
Audiblox Is Multisensory
People not only learn at different rates, but also in different ways. Some students want their teacher or lecturers to write everything on the board. Others prefer to listen. Some like to sit in small groups and discuss a question; others like to listen to a lecture, translating it into pictures or doodles in their notebook. Such individual learning preferences are known as learning styles.
Learning styles are generally divided into three categories:
(1.) visual learners, who need to see it to know it, (2.) auditory learners, who need to hear it to know it and (3.) tactile/kinesthetic learners, who prefer a hands-on approach.
Although there is some value in adjusting to a preferred learning style, we should not overlook that a child must be prepared for the real world and real time. “In the real world, and real time, learning styles theory is often an academic luxury,” writes James Atherton in an article entitled Learning styles don’t matter. Therefore it is essential to teach a child a versatile learning approach from a young age, which means that he will be able to use multiple senses when learning. We must not improve only his strengths, but also his weaknesses. There is no doubt that a person’s weaker senses can be improved. A blind person, being deprived of sight, usually develops all the other senses to a remarkable degree.
To learn to read Braille, for instance, his tactile sense must be developed to a remarkable degree. This fact is important because it shows without the help of complicated tests that every sense can be developed and improved. By learning to use all his senses, the learner’s ear will eventually come to the aid of his eye, and his hand to the aid of his ear, thereby opening three channels to his mind instead of only one.
Audiblox is multisensory and addresses the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic skills of a learner — all at once.